Thursday 14 November 2013

Street Cricket Pc Game Download Free


Street cricket or galli cricket is a stripped-down version of the international sport of cricket, popular across the South Asia and in other cricket-playing nations. In the countryside, dried lakes and river beds are often used as playgrounds for cricket. In cities, it is played in apartment corridors, apartment parking lots, parks etc. People typically play street cricket in narrow by lanes, streets, and ghettos. The size of the road or traffic does not hinder the progress of a game; children often wait for the traffic to clear before playing consecutive deliveries. Bandhs (strikes), when the main roads are devoid of traffic, provide an occasion for children to take over wide open spaces for a day.

 Chennai is popularly known as the 'Street cricket capital of the world'[citation needed] or the 'One-pitch city', because when you travel to Chennai, you can see street cricket everywhere. The term 'One-pitch city' was coined by the cricket legend Kapil Dev to express that all the street cricket players in Chennai consider one-pitch catch as a wicket.

Source: Wikipedia.com


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